Accomplish Multi Academy Trust was a vision created from the successful achievements of Jerry Clay Academy. Jerry Clay Academy is a National Support School and hosts a successful English Hub.
Motivated by a strong desire to improve the life chances of young people and to work collaboratively together, Tracy Swinburne and the Board of Trustees formed Accomplish MAT in October 2023 with a passion to ensure more children receive a high quality, holistic education that enables all children to accomplish success now and for their future.
It is the belief of Accomplish that every child deserves to receive the highest quality education that not only includes access to the core curriculum but fantastic enrichment, which builds confidence, character and a drive for young people to believe they can accomplish anything which they put their mind to.
Supported by a highly experienced central team, and governed with exceptionally strong financial expertise, Accomplish aims to develop innovative ways to build capacity, working alongside its dedicated team.
Our Mission
Collectively driving with ambition & innovation to accomplish excellence for all.